Sunday, January 15, 2017.  It is snowing today (actually right now – this blog post is real time!)!!  It actually started very lightly yesterday.  But when we woke up this morning it had actually stuck on the ground overnight and it continued to snow through the morning off and on.  We can actually watch the snow fall from the windows in our house. The kids went out to play in it for a little while.  But there really isn’t enough to have a long snow play day.  It would be fun to play in the field across the road from us, but alas it’s actually a rice field and that would be very bad if we ran all over it.

Saturday’s first snow below:And from today, Sunday, January, 15:

I asked our neighbors if it snows in Minoh very often and they said it only snows maybe once a year, and only sometimes.  Halyard isn’t in any of the photos because even though it’s 10am he’s still in bed and won’t get out.  He said he’s too warm and he can see it from his window.